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MLT100 Series![]() Brand: Mobrey
Description: MLT100 Displacer Level Transmitter The Mobrey MLT100 level transmitter is one of the most advanced displacer based devices on the market, coupling the time proven buoyancy principle with state of the art electronics in an instrument of high reliability and stability. The transmitter can be mounted directly into a vessel or may be externally mounted in a chamber to allow isolation for planned maintenance or in-situ calibration checks. Special care has been taken in design to ensure a small mounting envelope is maintained, resulting in reduced weight and associated savings in mounting. New MLT100 Displacer Level Transmitter options Following increasing demand from the Petro-Chemical market, the MLT100 displacer level transmitter is now available with a 316 Stainless Steel enclosure. The ATEX intrinsically safe certification has now been updated to include this new option. To complete the specification, the optional indicator is also available in a 316SS enclosure. Features