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Dry Product Level Switches |
Alarm Setter
Analog Panel Meter Battery Chargers Boiler Level Control Current & Power Guards & Controllers Dewpoint & Hygrometers Digital Panel Meter Digital Power/Multi-Function Meter Earth Fault Monitoring & Protection Fire Pump Controllers Frequency & Voltage Guards Gas Warning Systems Generator Protection & Controllers Industrial Communication & Converter Insulation Monitoring Jockey & Alarm Panels Level Control - Vibrating Fork Liquid Level Switches - Ultrasonic Gap Liquid Level Switches - Float & Displacer Liquid Level Switches - Dry Products Level Switches Loss of Mains Protection Measuring Transducers Meter Relay Power & Test Equipment Process Signal Transmitter Protector Trip Relay Shunts Switches Synchronisers Temperature Guards Transformers By Brands |
SLS Paddle Switches Series![]() Brand: Mobrey
Models: Refer to datasheet for more details Description: The Series PLS paddle switch from Mobrey may be used as either a high or low level limit switch for dry and solids products and is easily mounted through the wall of the vessel such that the paddle protrudes inside the vessel. An electric motor drives the paddle which rotates freely in the absence of dry material. When the paddle is impeded by the presence of material, the motor rotates within the housing to actuate a microswitch and signal and alarm. As soon as the paddle is stopped from rotating, power to the motor is cut, extending the motor life. Once the material level falls, the motor is returned to its normal position and the paddle begins to rotate. Series PLS paddle switches from Mobrey can be used with granular, pelletised and powdered dry products and may be used in high level applications with materials over 160kg/m³ and low or intermediate applications with materials over 80kg/m³. Features
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VLS Vibrating Rod Series![]() Brand: Mobrey
Models: Refer to datasheet for more details Description: The Series VLS vibrating rod dry products level switch from Mobrey is the perfect solution for single point level switching in free flowing solids and dry products across a wide density range, from fine powders to grains. The self-cleaning Series VLS provides the solution in applications where tuning fork style switches may become blocked or bridged. The vibration rod is energised and kept in resonance by an electronic circuit. When covered by material the damping of the vibration will be detected by the electronics which initiate the switching of the output relay after a built-in programmable time delay. The Series VLS vibrating rod dry products level switch from Mobrey is designed to provide high or low level switching in silos or bins containing free-flowing powders and granular materials such as carbon black, sugar, grain, cement, lime and sand with a material bulk density of 50kg/m³ or more. Requiring only a 38mm/1½" BSP/NPT socket, either on the top or in a sidewall of the silo, the unit is easy to install and simple to commission. Features
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